White Rice

White rice is a staple grain that is commonly consumed in many cultures around the world. It is made from the polished and processed grains of the rice plant, which removes the bran and germ layers. This gives the rice a uniform, white appearance and a mild, nutty flavor. White rice can be cooked on its own or used as a base for many dishes, such as stir-fries, curries, and rice bowls. It is a versatile and easy-to-prepare ingredient that can be enjoyed as a side dish or as part of a larger meal.

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White Rice

  • Total Time: 25 minutes


Units Scale
  • 1 cup long-grain white rice
  • 2 cups water
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1 Tbsp unsalted butter
  • Parsley (optional)


  1. Pour the water and salt into a medium sauce pan and bring to a boil.
  2. Add the rice and butter and stir.
  3. Reduce heat to low and cover.
  4. Let it simmer for approximately 20 minutes, or until all the water has evaporated. Check after 15 minutes, then every 5 minutes. Once the water has evaporated, the rice is ready.
  5. Remove from heat and keep covered until ready to serve.
  6. Transfer to a bowl and garnish with parsley.
  • Prep Time: 5 minutes
  • Cook Time: 20 minutes

White rice can be prepared in many different ways, depending on the desired flavor and texture. It can be cooked with water, broth, or milk, and seasoned with salt, butter, or herbs to enhance the flavor. Some people prefer to add additional ingredients, such as vegetables, beans, or meat, to create a more substantial and flavorful meal.

One popular use of white rice is as a base for stir-fries. The rice is cooked separately and then combined with sautéed vegetables, protein, and sauce to create a delicious and filling meal. White rice is also commonly used in curries, where it serves as a neutral base for the flavorful sauce and spices.

Another popular way to enjoy white rice is in rice bowls, which have become a popular food trend in recent years. Rice bowls typically consist of a bed of white rice, topped with vegetables, protein, and a variety of sauces and seasonings. These bowls can be customized to suit individual tastes and dietary preferences, making them a convenient and healthy option for busy individuals.

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