Marcelo Costa was born in the South of Brazil and from a young age, he was fascinated by food and cooking. He grew up in a family that cherished traditional Brazilian cuisine and had a small farm where they raised cattle. Marcelo learned how to butcher and grill meat, which is a fundamental part of Brazilian cuisine. His passion for cooking led him to attend culinary school in Brazil after completing his high school.

After culinary school, Marcelo worked in various restaurants in Brazil, where he gained valuable experience and refined his techniques in Brazilian cuisine. In 2010, he moved to the United States to expand his culinary horizons. Marcelo worked at several high-end restaurants where he specialized in preparing traditional Brazilian dishes and steaks. His dedication to perfecting his craft quickly earned him a reputation as a skilled chef.

Today, Marcelo Costa is known as one of the top chefs in the United States for Brazilian cuisine and steaks. He is passionate about experimenting with new flavors and techniques while staying true to the roots of traditional Brazilian cooking.

Marcelo’s dedication and passion for Brazilian cuisine have made him an inspiration to many aspiring chefs, and his culinary skills are highly sought after. He is a true ambassador of Brazilian cuisine and culture.